WOW, it's been a week since I have posted and it seems like I haven't sat down since my last post!!! Last week my cousin came to visit me. She lives in Alabama but was in Virginia visiting her friend so she came up here to spend almost a week with me. We had a blast, like we always do when she's here! We shopped, ate and organized my spare bedroom. It was a MESS and poor Lori had to sleep in there, lol! We went thrifting and found some great sweaters and clothes! I found a dress for her daughter that I know was around $150 new, we got it for $3.50!! Now that is what I call fun!
Of course all good things come to an end, she had to leave to go home on Saturday. It's always such an empty feeling when company leaves. The house is quieter and just not the same for a few days. The bright side is that she will probably come back in December, I hope she can!
My nephew's baptism was on Saturday. So I thought I would share a picture of the kids and I. It's RARE that I'm actually IN the picture since I'm always the one taking them! I really love black and white pics. I change alot of my pics to B&W. :)
I can't believe Halloween is in 3 days! Just doesn't seem possible! Where does the time go??? I haven't decorated that much inside. I need to put a couple more things out since we are having people over for Halloween. We usually do pizza and then go trick or treating. And I'm thrilled it's on a Friday so no school the next day! Johnny is going to be Indiana Jones, Kris is going to be Captain Jack Sparrow and Madelyn is going to be a bunny! My husband is dressing up as a 70's disco guy, this should be funny! I still need to throw something together. I'm usually a witch every year, NO PUN INTENDED, LOL LOL LOL! Happy Halloween!
Of course all good things come to an end, she had to leave to go home on Saturday. It's always such an empty feeling when company leaves. The house is quieter and just not the same for a few days. The bright side is that she will probably come back in December, I hope she can!
My nephew's baptism was on Saturday. So I thought I would share a picture of the kids and I. It's RARE that I'm actually IN the picture since I'm always the one taking them! I really love black and white pics. I change alot of my pics to B&W. :)
I can't believe Halloween is in 3 days! Just doesn't seem possible! Where does the time go??? I haven't decorated that much inside. I need to put a couple more things out since we are having people over for Halloween. We usually do pizza and then go trick or treating. And I'm thrilled it's on a Friday so no school the next day! Johnny is going to be Indiana Jones, Kris is going to be Captain Jack Sparrow and Madelyn is going to be a bunny! My husband is dressing up as a 70's disco guy, this should be funny! I still need to throw something together. I'm usually a witch every year, NO PUN INTENDED, LOL LOL LOL! Happy Halloween!