
Friday, May 3, 2013

Why I am deleting Pinterest......

I know what your thinking.  I go on a six week blog hiatus and come back to boycott something!     And while I do have a million things to tell you, like we went to Washington DC and VA while my kids and husband had the flu and how the new mattress has been.  I'm rearranging stuff lately like nobody's business.  And I'm enjoying this spring weather out in my yard to no end.  We are riding and horse show season is starting.  However, my reasons for deleting Pinterest are far more important.

A few weeks ago my 12 yr old sons asked me if they could join Pinterest.  I thought, sure!  It's a lot of fun to have an "online" pin board.  They could pin fancy cars, horses and all the other things they are interested in.   My boys have safari disabled on their Ipads, but Pinterest DOES allow you to search the web for pins.  We discussed this and they weren't using it.  Although I think one of them had wandered over to You tube with it a few times.    Everything seemed hunky dorey until tonight when one of my sons came in my office with his face beat red and crying.   He was confessing that he had seen "bad" pictures on Pinterest.   My first thought was that he had gone on the web and wasn't telling the truth.  So  I asked him "you saw it on Pinterest? or you searched the web".  It was on Pinterest mom.   Now, I won't paint this picture that he just stumbled upon this without searching.  Apparently he put in "sexy girls" in the search box.  And when I did it, under "pins" there wasn't much there, but boy when I clicked over to "boards" that is when I couldn't believe my eyes.   I'm not talking just naked pictures,  I'm talking hard-core pornography.  It made me so sad that innocence was lost in an instant.  On Pinterest for God's sake.......   And he was crying and completely ashamed of himself.   But still, I am mad.  VERY mad that I let him go on this and this is what happens.

Yes, I understand that I can "report" the pins.  But if you saw how many there are... and how  many members are doing this.   Seems like fighting a losing battle.  And I just googled "porn on pinterest" and see this isn't a new problem.  Oh how I wish I had done this before.  It seemed so G-rated and benign.  Little did I know.   :(   And what I can't stop thinking about is, how can I be a member of Pinteres?  With my son seeing I am on there and  knowing what he saw?   I just can't.  Yes, it's fun, and wonderful place to get recipes and etc.  But I have lived 39 1/2 yrs without it.  And I can certainly live without it now.

Anyway, I posted this tonight to let you know how I was feeling.  And maybe to save someone else's children from seeing this garbage on there. 

   So I guess if you find something I can't live without, email it to  me!! :)



  1. Kristi....
    I am so sorry that your son stumbled upon it. I hate that you had to be the one to learn this the hard way. Thank you so much for letting us know....My kids don't get on Pinterest because they think it's for "old ladies" :) but now I'll know not to let them, if they ask.

    We've got so many filters on our computer, I can hardly go to any site, and now I'm grateful. The computer is a scary place!!!!!

  2. I never knew any of this and I'm so glad you told me. I don't have little kids but I do have nieces and nephews that may do Pinterest. What a shame but I'm not surprised. I feel really bad for your son, I hope he puts all this in the back of his mind soon.


  3. That is such a shame.Sad that innocence was lost in the blink of an eye on a sit that all thought to be safe. Oddly, I have never flet the pull of pinterest, and thus have never been a member. Now I am glad. Will be sure to pass on to my sister who's kids are on there a lot.
    Thanks for the heads up.
    Cheers, Gee

  4. Kristi thanks for sharing this information. I don't have boys that age anymore but I think the message is sadly, when it comes to the internet it's a whole new ballgame. One thing I want to say is what a special son you're raising. I'm so impressed with his honesty and I'm sure you applauded him for this, that's the kind of communication I always tried to have with my boys. It really matters when they get to be teenagers. You'll know what I mean in a few years :)
    Leslie (Gwen Moss)

  5. Good for you!!!!!! I don't think any of that is necessary and it is much more fun to read your wonderful blog and see what is going on. Then I can email you if I want to pick your brain for your great ideas!!
    I'm proud of a Mom who can do without for the sake of her kids!!
    You GO girl!!

  6. Thank you for the warning, my children aren't on pinterest and won't be either until they are much older l see now. Scary. Can't help but miss the eighties a bit...last decade children lived without all this crap getting into their day-to-day lives. Pam

  7. Oh no, I'm sorry he had to see that. I think it says a lot that he knew he could come to you. My son doesn't have Pinterest but I found out today he's on FB and it has really pissed me off. He's been living with his dad in TX for this school year and thankfully will be home next month where he will be supervised and will not have FB account in my home. He's 12 and I think that is wayyyy too young. Anywho I rambled LOL I'll be sure to send anything I see that says "YOU" your way! :)

  8. In my opinion that would be the loophole in pinterest, hopefully they should parental guidance or some kind of lock feature that can filter unnecessary content. Good to hear that you were able to guide them. Good luck.

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  9. Kristi I am so glad you told us 13 year old daughter loves Pinterest, now I'm a little nervous letting her go on. I'm so sorry this happened to you and your son.

  10. OMG I am so sorry that your son saw these things, i think you are doing the right thing deleting it.

  11. Thanks for sharing. I passed this on to my daughters who have young children. I would have taken the same action, though I don't subscribe to Pinterest.

  12. I was unaware of the garbage on pinterest also . I am so upset about Kris' findings it makes me want to scream! But I am also proud of him that he told you, but it also doesn't surprise me he's such a good boy. I promise I'll tighten my controls over here!xoxo

  13. It has to be so frightening raising children in today's world. Even something as "innocent" as a cell phone, with one wrong click, can crush the innocence of a child.

    I've never been involved with Pinterest and don't ever plan to be, as it would probably just waste a lot of my time. Now, there's a whole 'nother reason to avoid that pitfall as well.

    May God bless you as you raise your son.

  14. OMG Kristi! I had no idea! You did the right thing but please don't beat yourself up over this - how could you have known? I would never in a million years have guessed that something like that could happen. I believe your son will be fine and in time forget all about it. You are a wonderful mother and a great example for giving up something for your children.
    Thanks also for the warning!


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