
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year's Day

New Year's Day was very low key at our house.  It almost always is.  John took the boys skiing, which they fell in love with last year.  I stayed home and caught up on some laundry, then snuck off to the barn for a New Years ride on Noah.  Since it was his birthday and all, I thought it was only right I go see him. ;)    Well, it wasn't his REAL birthday, but according to The Jockey Club all Thoroughbreds birthdays are on January 1st.  So a big, happy 17th birthday to my Noah boy!

This was a picture from a show from last year, sorry to wake you up to compete, lol
Then I came home and we had leftovers from NYE at my parents house.  I decided to try a new Blueberry Muffin recipe from Gwyneth's cookbook.  And it did not disappoint! why does that look and feel like it's spelled wrong even though it's not? drives me crazy!   It was quick, easy and delicious!  I didn't have enough blueberries for the whole recipe so I cut it in half and it was perfect!


     Do you do resolutions?  Do you have any ideas or thoughts for your New Year?  I don't really do resolutions anymore, don't want to feel badly about things that I didn't stick to.   However, I do try to just make life better, enjoy things more, be present with my family and friends.  I look back and try to improve things (which there is ALWAYS room for improvement).   
      I feel there will be projects GALORE for 2013!  My paint brush is ready!  My mind is swirling with ideas, so many that I don't know where to start!   I would love to hear your New Year's thoughts.
Happy New Year to you ALL!




  1. New Years Day was quite here too, we were all exhausted from the late night on NYE. Blueberry muffins are my favorite, they sure look YUMMY!

  2. Mine is to eat healthier again.. I got on a good roll and was feeling so much better, and I fell off the wagon. Gotta get back on :-)

  3. Happy New Year! Your horse is a beauty.

  4. Looks delicious, I was curious about this cookbook!
    Happy New Years to you!
    Leslie ( aka Gwen Moss)

  5. So glad you found me so I could find you...thanks for your kind comments and come back soon...Those muffins look delish!! nice to meet you, Mariaelena


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