
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

We pulled it off!

My sisters and I have been planning a surprise 70th birthday party for my dad for months now and finally, Saturday, we pulled it off!  We had to keep it a secret from my mother as well, just because, lol.    His real birthday is the 26th, so we'll have some cake on Wednesday too for good measure!  

Here are some pictures of the party I thought I would share!  Life is precious! :)

That's me in the torquoise shirt, always under dressed!  lol

This is our immediate family!  Grandparents, sisters, husbands and grandchildren!

And last but not least, I could not just leave these there to be thrown away! :)


  1. love the celebration of your dad's birthday!

    beautiful family! beautiful flowers!

  2. How absolutely wonderful! That is truly what it's all about, isn't it? You are lucky to have that big close family.

  3. Looks like you guys put together a wonderful celebration for your Dad!

    Love the flowers (I wouldn't have been able to just leave them there either)!


  4. What a wonderful thing for you to do! I loved the banner! You are so pretty and I just love your hair!

  5. What a wonderful, big family. That banner is so neat. I'm sure your family made memories that will be cherished forever. Great looking family, and I love that picture of the boy hugging his granddad. So many precious children. laurie

  6. Looks like it was a great party! Of course you had to keep the beautiful flowers!


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