
Friday, March 5, 2010

Being Green

I recently did a little segment at my MOPS group on being "green". MOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers and these groups are all over the place. Just look it up online and find one in your area! Lots of fun and other moms to connect with. Anyway, they really seemed to enjoy it! I started cloth diapering my baby girl when she was about 8 weeks old for the simple fact that NO disposable diaper could contain her explosive poops! The cloth diapers did, and then I went on my journey..........
I changed out little things, like not buying paper napkins anymore. We have 4 sets of cloth napkins so there is enough when some are in the wash. We use them It took a little getting used to, but it's all we use now. We recycle EVERYTHING with a recycle symbol on it. It has reduced our garbage output, which we reduced the size of the garbage can we needed which in turn reduced our monthly fee, yay! If it has a symbol, it goes in the recycle bin. Cardboard, paper and all. I also keep some papers and "junk" mail for my compost pile, which is another great way to "recycle" for my garden. I also use my garbage disposal every day.

When you start your green journey, it snowballs. You want to try more and more ways to be green and save yourself time AND money. I buy a large container of castile soap and use foam soap dispensers in all the bathrooms. Fill it up about half and half, soap and water. This cuts down on the million little bottles of handsoap your buying and then recycling. Also, bar soap is by far very "green" since there is only a little paper wrapped around it, it also causes friction of cleaning your hands faster since you have to lather it on your hands from the bar. And I always use my reusable shopping bags in any store I'm in. Not just the grocery store! Use them ONCE at your grocery store and you will be hooked. Instead of bringing 100 little plastic bags in, you can fit ALL your groceries in 6-10 reusable bags!

I also have started making (and LOVING) my own laundry detergent. It's SO simple. Here is the recipe...

1 cup of Super washing soda
1 cup of Borax

1/2 bar of Kirks soap

shake well
use 1/4 cup for most large loads
some front loaders only need 2 tablespoons but use your own judgement!

I usually make 3 or 4 batches at once. If you enjoy scent you can add essential oils as well. But the kirks soap gives it such a light and clean scent, I think you will love it as is! I was skeptical at first, but was pleasantly surprised how CLEAN and clean smelling my cloths were! So I have been using it ever since! I also use Nellie's Dryer Balls and never even think about using fabric softner or sheets since!
Try it, I think you'll like it! It is VERY liberating to NEVER run out of something..... diapers, napkins, laundry detergent and etc!!!


  1. Kris I am gonna have to try this! I already have the borax....but what is the other stuff? I am not familiar with it to add to the detergent? When you have kids you just simply want to leave them a better earth. We are in a whole lotta trouble if we don't start doing something! cherry

  2. Super washing soda is right in the laundry aisle! Usually right near the water softners or spot cleaners :)

  3. Oh, I love this idea. I already make my own spray cleaner that I use on everything. I just love all the things you can use vinegar for! Please tell me...can you use this laundry soap in a front loader?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Take two:

    Howdy Kristi (fellow MOPS Mom here)'s a link to my liquid laundry soap I'm going to try homemade shampoo and drier softeners next!

    I used the sample you gave me at MOPS (thanks!) and liked your version too. Soooo psyched to try a square foot garden this year! :-)


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