
Friday, October 17, 2008

Crunchy or Crazy?

Yup, that's me these days! Crunchy as in granola mama, tree hugging hippie, or green girly! I decided very early on after I had Madelyn that I would give cloth diapering a try. I recycle everything, I hate buying anything "disposable", although there are a few things (like toilet paper!!) that are NEEDED. But anything that is constantly thrown in a land fill really weighs on my mind lately. And after I read that a SINGLE disposable diaper would typically take 500 yrs to decompose in a land fill, that was IT! Nevermind the chemicals that are in them. And trust me, I didn't always know this. My twin boys were diapered in disposables and Lord knows we went through a TON of them! But I think we are just more aware of the environment now and want to do everything to help. Well, I have become completely addicted to this cloth diapering thing! You can't IMAGINE what is available. These aren't your mama's cloth diapers, yet some of them ARE! I have a "stash" already and I keep building it bigger. Here are some pics of these lovelies. I'm sure by now, you have either stopped reading or deemed me insane. But I just had to show you! :) Oh and of course I had to pick up some environmentally friendly, completely biodegradable detergents to wash them with. I don't know why I ever used anything else! You can use a TABLESPOON of detergent for a large wash. You just can't believe it! Ok, I'll stop now!!! Hee hee, they're coming to take me away Ha Ha !!


  1. I don't think you are crazy at all...I use all natural cleaners to clean house etc. and have been recycling for many years. Thrifting is a great way to repurpose as well..wink wink, cherry

  2. Don't click on those above....krsti

  3. My goodness someones gone crazy K and it aint you! LOL!
    Green is good! I come from the land of tree huggers. I must say cloth diapers have come a long long way. How cute and easy they look.

  4. I used cloth diapers that a friend designed for me 24 years ago with our firstborn. They had velcro tabs and were really nice.
    I salute you for doing your part for the environment!
    So do you use plastic pants with those? Or is the plastic part built in?

  5. Those lovely loader posters paid me a visit too.

  6. Thank you for the warning Cherry!!! It's sad that someone plays around like that! :(

    Painter- some of them called "All in ones" are built in, but if you use prefolds or just "fitteds" you need a cover. The variety in covers is amazing as well! I'm having alot of fun with it!

    Oh Kat, they came to your site too? What is the point? UGH! I did the permanent delete, hopefully they won't be back!

  7. Congrats on having a beautiful girl. Now you can have lots of girly fun with your new baby.
    Good for you for thinking of the environment, we all should recycle more.
    Take care and please keep blogging about your little blessing..she's adorable, take care, DebraK

  8. I tagged you on my blog. You're It!

  9. Girl you are awesome! I'm kinda glad I didn't become "crunchy" til after my babies were out of diapers! Okay you referencing the They're coming to take me away song makes me so happy because no one in my family knows that song and I was starting to think I really was crazy!

  10. Charlie's Soap is the BEST! I've ordered the 1280 load VERY HEAVY pail and won't ever use anything else!

  11. oops..i posted in error on the wrong here I am...
    I only used disposable diapers when we went out of the house (my boys are 16 and 17 now)...i think thats what helped them toilet train realllllly early. Both were out of diapers by 16 or 18 months.


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