
Monday, August 22, 2011

The Fair and being unplugged

Every year we go to the "Fair".   I think the first time my parents brought me I was 2 years old and we have been going ever since.  So of course this tradition has carried over to my children.  The boys' first trip was when they were 8 months old.  And Madi's first trip she was about 4 weeks old.  It's just something we do every year. We bring Mema and Papa with us every year too.   The kids love seeing the animals and of course the rides.  And my all time favorite, funnel cake! Yummmmm

One of the sheep decided to kiss Madi's hand, she loved it

Petting the horses that were there for the shows

I love this picture, it makes my heart happy :)

runnin' with the chickens!

Kris loves chickens and has plans for a chicken coop at home

Indian Ladder had a display for the orchard.  Another place we visit a few times a year.

Having fun in the hay maze

Of course, the RIDES!!!

Madi loves them too now

Havin' some greasy fair food, of course we can't skip that! :)

I have been without a phone  now for a few days and honestly, I don't miss it.  Is that strange?   My phone broke and I have 1 month left on my contract.  Let me give you a little back round.   I did not have a cell phone until 2 years ago.  My husband surprised me with an iphone.  While I loved the gesture, and it was convenient to text or call when I needed to, the $106 bill always made me cringe.    I can think of so many other ways to spend $106 and a cell phone isn't one of them. I was on the lowest minute plan they offered (450 mins) and I ALWAYS had more than 1000 rollover minutes!    My family is insisting I need a phone and I can understand their reasoning.    I think I'm going to get an "unlocked" phone and just do a $25 plan from Virgin Mobile or Straight Talk.  It will allow me 300 mins and unlimited texting and Internet use.    Do any of you use this type of service?  

  I also deactivated  my Facebook account.   It was for a few reasons, but nothing really big.   I feel FREE for some reason.  I think I just like the "unplugged" feeling.  Who knows maybe I'll go back, but maybe not.   I miss being able to text my favorite southerner whenever I want.   But other than that I can't think of reasons I love it.  I'm not much of a tv watcher, I probably watch an hour of tv every month or so.  I make up for it on the computer, that I am sure of!     Since when have we as a society need to be in constant communication?  Maybe I'm just behind the times........


Sunday, August 14, 2011

I'm alive and a sneak peek :)

Yup, I'm guilty, GUILTY of pretty much abandoning this blog for a few months!  Not only was I busy setting up house here on the new home-front.  But Blogger has been making me crazy for months as well.  Is anyone else having the commenting problem?   I try to comment on blogs, it makes me sign in, I see my dashboard, go to comment again and it makes me "anonymous"  Can you say FRUSTRATING?

 Anyway, it's been a very busy and fun summer here!  We have had our favorite Southerners here already.  Just wouldn't be summer without them. :) Then we had summer camp, horse camp and a few more activities to go.  A day trip here and there

Note * before front door was stained....

We also landscaped.... however,  that deserves a post of its own!!!  When I say "we" I mean, John and I, no other help.  Luckily we work well together!

I have been decorating and feathering our new nest.  I'm the type of person that I can only do these things while I'm feeling creative.  I simply cannot force it.  I'm all or nothing.  

So here is a sneak peek of the keeping room, which is right off the kitchen.  This room has functioned like I imagined it would, I can't tell you how that makes me SO HAPPY!  

I have learned this.........

It's hanging in my kitchen and it is so very true!

I promise to NOT go as long inbetween posts, promise!!! pinky swear!!!!