
Friday, July 23, 2010

Fresh from the garden

Lately,  I am just feeling blessed.  It has nothing to do with our new home.  It has more to do with the fact that my husband and I love each other entirely.  We have three beautiful children.  Make no mistake, life is not perfect.  I have blogged about it before.   But it doesn't HAVE to be perfect.   I have three little human beings that are growing into wonderful people.  And honestly, I'm just PROUD!

Today was "clash" day at camp.  They were supposed to wear outfits that clashed, so I snapped a quick picture of them before they were out the door at 7:45 am!  They have been having a great summer.    When they got home today, Kris said to me "mom, there was a boy on the bus that looked sooo lonely, so I went and sat with him".   He went on to say how GOOD it made him feel.  I can't tell you how happy it made me!!  My other son Johnny has such a kind, empathetic heart as well.   To know that these two are learning lessons like this makes me so happy, proud and warm my heart!

  Kris has special needs, which I have talked about before.  He got hurt at camp yesterday, fell near the pool.  So his counselor called me to let me know.  She said he was fine and didn't cry.   Then she proceeded to tell me how he was having a wonderful summer and was such a good boy.    After hearing for years what is wrong with him, this again brought me to tears!

And Kris is so lucky to have Johnny, he looks out for him constantly!  He watches over him (and his sister) like a mother hen.   And I tell him what a wonderful boy (and gift) he is !    I had to share this today.  Because in our world, it seems like there are so many negative things.  And I want to focus on the positive.  I want to teach my children about the GOOD in the world.   I know there is good left, we just have to find it and pull it out sometimes.    Thank you for letting me babble share this!

Ok so onto the subject to my title!  The garden!  The garden has been through many ups and downs.  Seems we have a little visitor (aka bunny!) who is feasting out there!  So far he has eaten all the escarole, celery, kale and ALL my impatients, a geranium and some lobelia that was apparently trailing too low!!!   However.... we have been adopted by an older kitten!   This wasn't convenient because my hubby is HIGHLY allergic.  But she was skin and bones when she found us and my boys have been feeding her and taking care of her ever since.   so needless to say she is an "outside" cat.  I'm sure we will need her when we move into a middle of a FIELD! :)

Meet Chloe............

Because of her, we have herbs!  And strawberries and some other goodies still growing.  Seems Mr bunny is afraid of her!  For good reason too because she has left a few "gifts" for us,  a couple of mice and a bird........  

Anyway, onto the herbs!  I picked basil, tarragon and rosemary! I also picked some grape and cherry tomatoes.  I'd like to tell you that the lettuce is mine, but Mr Bunny enjoyed that before we could!      Oh and our strawberries have been producing great! We eat them raw or make smoothies daily!

And last but not least, Miss Moo moo!  She picked out her own dress and shoes!  I had her in something else, she revolted (I put my foot down) and while I went to my room she took it off and got this dress out of her closet.  Me thinks I'm in trouble!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Door hardware

This subject has been on my mind, my google images and downright driving me crazy!  I thought for sure I wanted Oil Rub Bronze, I have them now in my house and love that they show NO finger prints at all.   We changed them out over a year ago from having bright brass that was pitting and showing everything. 

However, when I started looking at the plethora of choices, my head started spinning.  And I started second guessing myself.   And when I start second guessing, then I know I'm in a downward spiral of comparison shopping and it doesn't end until I have made a decision!   So I have come here to beg ask your help!

Ok so, the first dilemma  choice is the actual handle.  I'm 97% sure I want levers.  I always love how "french" they look.  I had them in my very first home and always wished I had them here.  However, I am free to drive you crazy change my mind...

Ok, I'm 93% sure I want the first one (which is the elan scrolly looking one).   I don't love the backplate on the birdcage one, but that can be changed (free of charge with your order).  I do really like this reed and ribbon knob, but wonder if it's too "fancy schmancy" for my home...........

Ok, now onto finishes.   Here is where I go back and forth, round in circles and back again........

oil rubbed bronze

french antique


flat black

And here are the doors that they will be hanging on.........

I'd love to hear your feedback!  Since I have driven my poor husband, mother and sister insane with this, I figured I'd let you all in on the torture fun too!


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Our girl is two!!!

Happy Birthday Madelyn Jovanna!

I can't believe our girl is two!  It seems like yesterday this little blessing came into our lives.  I loved every minute of being pregnant.  And my boys loved watching their mama's belly grow with their new sibling!  Truly a magical time.    

She is an angel.  She is a spitfire!  She is curious and loves learning.  She loves her babies and her shopping cart.   She adores her brothers and wants to be included in everything they do.  And they so graciously include her, always!
playing in our basement......

We started off with a gator ride at Mema and Papa's house. 

(and no, I did NOT let them drive her around, LOL! just sat there for picture purposes!)

Then a party at home!   We celebrated with our loved ones and had a great time!

  Inbetween thunderstorms they enjoyed the bouncy bounce.    

Daddy grilled some yummy food!

The first cake I made didn't quite make it........

But the second one was a delicious banana cake with pink frosting. Recipe courtesy of Old faithful.

Happy Birthday Madelyn Jovanna, we all love you SO MUCH! :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Roof and windows...

They had started on our roof and put some of our windows in while we were away.  And it's REALLY taking shape!  I am still working on the kitchen, who knew it would take THIS long?!?!

This week is filled with appointments for fireplaces, bathrooms and finializing details for the kitchen.   The kids are going to camp till noon everyday, so they are having a great time as well.   

The days seem to FLY by.  I have to remember to stop and smell the roses on this process.  It's all or nothing.  We are waiting or we are behind, no happy medium!   But it's really going now!   Next week the heating and AC will go in.  Then plumbing and electrical.   YAY!   

Here are some progress pictures!

Keeping room from the outside.......

Looking into the keeping room from the kitchen...

Looking into the kitchen standing in the keeping room...

Dining room window! YAY!

Madi, Daddy and Kris on the front porch...

Back view.....

Friday, July 9, 2010

Home Sweet Home!

Yup, this is my house right now.   Just keeping it real......

 Just walked in from a week in Lake George with 18 family members!   My parents usually host a 4th of July party, but this year they switched it up a bit.  We decided to go camping (we do every year as well) on the 4th this year.  What a week!  We had a blast!   We watched the fireworks on the lake.  We celebrated my sweet nephew's 2nd birthday. 

Getting ready for fireworks...

All of us overlooking Million Dollar Beach waiting for fireworks!

Madi, horsing around with her cousin!

  And these pinata pictures are fogged because it was about 102 degrees at NIGHT with a heat index of a million, LOL!  But we still had a great time!   I'm glad to be home, but I'm reliving in my mind what wonderful memories our kids have of this.  I hope they remember it forever!

Madi, sipping a Lemonade on a HOT day on the Mini Ha Ha boat Ride!

Washing down those yummy Doritos her cousins were sharing!

I will be doing a lot of this while I see what you all have been up to!  I missed you all!  Hope your week was great! :)