
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Coming along....

I have been holding back lately on showing new construction pictures.  This is hard for me because I'm so excited I'd like to show a new picture everyday.  Of course no one but ME would see what the changes were!   But I thought if I waited a little longer between construction posts, the pictures could tell the story themselves.

I think the last time I posted pictures we had a hole with cement forms in the ground.  Actually I think I showed the basement too.   Well, the sill plate has been put on, sub floor over the basement, first floor and now second floor and setting trusses and working on the roof sheathing!! YAY!

I have been diligently making selections and having to make up my mind on things I have been wishy-washy with for way too long.  And (on paper) it's all coming together! 

I still can't believe it's ACTUALLY HAPPENING when I am standing there looking at it, or standing inside of it! 

So without further a-do, here they are!  Enjoy  :)

Before the inside walls were in

Johnny and Kris (in his very European swim trunks, lol) are standing near the FR fireplace


This is looking through the front door into the FR (it's supposed to be great room, but I like family room better)

Upstairs shot, courtesy of Kristopher :)

Roof trusses on our front "lawn", lol

Front view today!! YAY!

Another view today

Side view today showing the trusses being set and the roof sheathing going on!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Strawberry picking and some ramblings...

Has it really been 6 days since I posted? Time FLIES! That is for sure. Last week my sister and I took our kids strawberry picking. What FUN! We actually picked cherries too. It was the perfect day for it and the littles were eating a buffet of strawberries. My older two and I made strawberry freezer jam and we have had the best PB&J's ever!

I have been feverishly meeting with kitchen people at two different places because we are pricing out two different lines.    I feel like everytime I have it "set" I realize I forgot about something or the measurements weren't right for what I had in mind.    I think working (and growing up) in the building industry my entire life has made this part SO much harder because I know the options and possibilities are almost endless, lol.    However that comes with a price tag, that's where I need to rein myself in! 

Anyway, I thought I would share a few pictures from our trip!   Construction pictures to come! :)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

And the winners are........

Thank you all for participating in my celebration post!  I am so glad to have met you all here in blog land! 

Here is my assistant picking the numbers!  He took his job very seriously and even closed his eyes, LOL.   I wrote the papers with the number of comments on them, folded them up and had him pick!    

DRUM ROLL!!!!!!!!!!

Annnnnddddd, the winner of the French Country Magazine goes to #20 Angie!!!!

And the little iron birdy goes to #6 Tara!!!! 

And the Dream Cottage Gardens goes to #3 Kim!!!!

Congratulations to you ladies!!  Thanks for participating, it was a lot of fun!  I was so excited to see who he pulled from the bowl!   You can email me at with your mailing address and I will send these right out to you!! :)

And now we are going to have some popcorn to celebrate my 100th post and winners!! YAY!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Celebration Giveaway and a big THANK YOU!!!

I just want to give a big thank you for all that posted in helping me decide which island color I should go with.  And your right, I should practice what I preach.  And that is, what makes EACH of us happy!!   I think I have it narrowed down.  And will meet with the kitchen girl this week and will update on that later!

Now for the Celebration Giveaway!    I am nearing my 100th post (today is 99) !!!  And I have been thinking about doing a giveaway in celebration of MAKING IT to 100 posts!  It took me three years to get to 100 posts, but I did it!   I started this blog back in 2007 and if you have read back there was some tough times and some great times as well.   This December I made it my priority to post regularly and I haven't looked back since.  It makes me happy to share here.   And while I'm not a "big" blog, I love the warm and cozy friendships I have made and hope to make more!    See in my "real" life I don't have many friends that share my love of decorating and gardening, but here there is an abundance of ladies who LOVE it like I do here in blog land!

So instead of one giveaway, I have decided to do THREE giveaways!  One because I like odd numbers, lol and two because the three things can represent three years!  

So here are the prizes!

All you need to do is comment on this post so I know you would like to be in on the drawing!   You can share it on your blog, or just simply email it to your friends who would like to join in the fun as well!    I will be posting the 100th post and also the winners on Tuesday so please check back to see if you have won!

Thank you ALL for fun, friendship and support you all have given me! 

Thursday, June 17, 2010

We interrupt thing for Thursdays to bring you.....

I need help!  I had planned on doing my Thursday thing. But I am in the middle of trying to decide on kitchen stuff and CANNOT make up my mind!!!

My dilemma is that I cannot decide between having the island the same color as my cabinets, which will be off-white, possibly glazed or distressed or both, see a theme of uncertainty going on here?   I can't decide on doing the island the same as the perimeter or doing another color or possibly a stained island.

                                            So here is the perimeter (I think)

And here are the choices for island color and finishes like vintage and glaze aren't set in stone, just pictures!

Pimento with charcoal glaze.

Sage vintage (distressed) with glaze

Midnight vintage

Sable with charcoal glaze

I would LOVE to hear your opinion!  I am making myself crazy with this decision.  One way I think stay safe and do the same and in another way I think be daring and do it different so it looks like a piece of furniture (with legs of course, lol).  I think I have picked a door style which was a whole other ball of wax! 

Please help a girl out! If you never have commented before, PLEASE DO, I need all the help I can get! :)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Here goes nothing!

Let me start off by saying that I have been looking at exterior lighting until my EYES have crossed!  Seriously, it's been months  weeks that I have been looking at outdoor lighting.  I think I have FINALLY decided on what I will purchase for the new house.

See, as you all know, I'm cheap.   The problem has been, when I DO find something I like it's like $700 for ONE light.  And we all know that doesn't fly with me, lol.  Nope, not even if I could, I wouldn't.  Well maybe the gas lanterns I saw I might...... I digress!    I also like BIG lighting outdoors.  So that was another one of the stipulations of the lights I have looked for.    These are on the "fancy" side, but I think they are the perfect thing to dress it up a little out there.  And the prices are TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE.  So I need to snap them up quickly!!!!   I love acanthus leaves..........




                                                                        lamp post

So what do you think?  Yay? Nay?  Wonderful?  Or what am I thinking?? LOL!   Thanks for coming along this crazy ride with me!  I still need to take pics of the siding samples with the brick and roof and door.  Hopefully this week!  Phheewwww!

One more thing......  we meet with the framer tomorrow morning, and he's starting TOMORROW!!!  WOOO HOOOOO!!!!!!!!  :)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

I have a thing for... (Thursdays)

I have been thinking about doing "I have a thing for" on Thursday's.  I am blonde not computer savvy so I don't quite know how to do a linky party yet.  I thought it would be fun to share what we have a "thing" for!  You will soon see that I have a "thing" for A LOT of things!!!    But I would love to know what YOU all have a thing for as well!  Please tell me or link me to what you have a thing for.  Or maybe one of you tech savvy bloggers can help me figure out how to do a linky party! 

Anyway, back to my "thing".  This week it's Roosters!!!  I have a thing for ROOSTERS!  Here are some of mine!  :)


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Prayers for Kristen!

I have been following this family's journey for a few months now.  And Kristen is a special, MIRACLE girl for what she has been through.  Tonight I read her mom's latest post and know that Kristen needs all of our prayers.    Please visit her here and let them know you are praying or sending good thoughts to them.  They really need our support!

I must say that in the beginning I started blogging for almost a "scrapbook" type journal.   But the friendships I have made and am still making is what makes blogging the most fun and meaningful!  Love to you all!

Monday, June 7, 2010

A few fun finds and freebies!

WOW, say that 3 times fast! LOL!  It has been one of those weekends that went by in the BLINK of an eye!   I  have been busy making some decisions on the new house and it's making my head spin, lol.   

We hit a garage sale and they were closing up shop so everything was free!  I'm so happy I have a husband that likes to "junk" right along with me!   We always look for old metal lawn sprinklers while we are out and we found one.  We have a collection, we just like them and we do use them too, LOL.  And also found this cute little green chair, records and two beautiful embroidered tablecloths!  One is round and the other is rectangle. 

yes, the cob webs are still on it, I was excited and took the picture immediately, LOL!

I bought my husband a record player for his birthday a few years back and he loves it. So the free records were a special score!

  Of course I had to stop at Sally's (my pet name for Salvation Army) on the way to Lowe's.  And I found this lamp.  I almost left it there, but I can see this in either white, red or green.  It's wood and heavy and BIG.  There is just something about it that I think will be spectacular with a lil' spray paint! 

Oh and I also found this vintage (I think antique) wicker chest on casters a few weeks ago at a church sale!  I couldn't resist and think I might use it in the baby's room in the new house.  Or maybe for blanket storage in the cozy keeping room.  Either way, I had to have it!!!

See the cute little casters? :)

I am going to post some of the exterior selections we made this week.  I am trying to decide on exterior lights right now and found a GREAT deal on ebay.  I just have to COMMIT!  Hard for me! :)   

Hope you all had a great weekend!

I'm linking up to Rhoda's  Thrifty Treasure's linky party!  Come Join the fun :)